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Link Booster Program

Do you want to give your company an edge in PMMI ProSource? Simply link to any ProSource article and we’ll add a link to your profile at the bottom of that article. Here’s what you can do:

1. First make sure you have filled out your ProSource listing with all your categories

Have your designated ProSource contact visit and log in. Have your product expert at your side while filling out the form — goes much faster! Don’t forget to submit for approval.

Screenshot of the PMMI Member Portal page

2. Pick out an article to link to on ProSource.

Visit and scroll down until you see the categories on the right-hand side. Click on a category that pertains to your company. Locate any article that you want to link to — presumably one that best suits your company and products.

Screenshot of a PMMI article category page

3. Create the link on your website to the ProSource article.

Create a link on your site. Click the button to download our logo suite for any branding. You may use one of the badges to link directly to your company profile on ProSource as well.

Examples of the PMMI ProSource logos

4. Tell us you linked to ProSource.

After you link to our site, tell us you did by sending your URL to In exchange, we will add your company at the end of the article and link to your profile from that article. When visitors arrive on the article page from a Google search, your company will have an added edge.

Example of your company link on a ProSource article page
  • All links are first-come, first-served.
  • We cannot link reciprocally back to your website, as that neutralizes the SEO benefit for both parties.

You can also contribute ideas for article topics.

What are the frequently asked questions you get at your company about packaging trends? Articles addressing common problems in our industry will draw traffic from search engines like Google. The more traffic we get, the more exposure and traffic your company and products receive from potential customers.